Courses > Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence is expected to add $16 trillion USD to the global economy by 2030 and become one of the most in-demand skills in the coming years.
This course is designed to respond to the new knowledge and training needs in the industry as Artificial Intelligence is rapidly growing in all areas of society, including government, academia and the private sector.
After registering to this course, you will gain free access to Structuralia's on-line platform where you will learn through videos, case studies, and quizzes about the use and impact of Artificial Intelligence in businesses and beyond.
Take the first step to become the leader of Artificial Intelligence, and register now. No previous knowledge is required.
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Coming soon
Artificial Intelligence:
Level 0
Technology ecosystems.
Introduction to new
disruptive technologies
Level I
Introduction to
Artificial Intelligence
Level II
Data Mining, Machine
Learning and Deep Learning
Level III
Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Business